Saturday, August 27, 2005

A photo essay

Following are the pictures of my trip to Fort William in Scotland.

Hope you like them, although err um I was pretty stupid and couldn't figure out a way to club these pics as a single post...well... whatever!

Oh yes, just to compensate for my extra bit of stupidity, do view these pictures from bottom to top. That way the captions would make more sense :-) (sheepish smile)


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Ravi Parupudi said...

Hey Kunal,

Awesome pics!! I especially like the 'On the Summit', " I'm Happy" and the " more of the same view" following it.
Did you finally buy that digital SLR that you were looking for (Nikon?).

Rohan looks cute, and a lot like you (do not get confused and consider both as the same!!! ;-) ).

Just remembered, if you wanna add all pics in one post, then the better thing to do (than using Hello, which I tried too!!!) is to use the 'post picture' button in the 'blog compose' window. That way, the picture is integrated as part of your blog.

Say hi to all!!

Kunal said...

Thanks for the tip. I'll use that one next time though.
Anyway, I haven't yet bought any SLR. Those were taken from an automatic.

Rohan looks cute, and a lot like you (do not get confused and consider both as the same!!! ;-) ).

Anyway I won't get confused, and I'll consider both the same :-) ;-)

Darth Chatri said...

Nice pics!
Seems like perfect weather to go on a trek or something.
You can use or something to post them at one place and publish them on the blog. Or something like that, never tried it.

Kunal said...

Well it was nice weather. Its been raining since yesterday! Or at least has been cloudy...

Yeah I'll try sometime later.

Unknown said...

seems like i am goin to hv a lot of fun! the place feels awesome!!:)

Kunal said...

upasana: Yes you are going to have a lot of fun around glasgow. Plenty of places to visit, but usually it's better to go in summer.

oh. btw went to your university (to be) today. It was fun

Kunal said...

Gee thanks man..but sorry I couldn't figure out who you are.... I do have an idea though...

Kunal said...

suvid nadkarni by any chance?

Karthik said...

Amazing pictures there man ! Very beautiful place .A pic with you playing the bagpipes would have completed the set :)