Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Divide by Zero Exception

History as they say repeats itself. I guess the nastier parts of it repeat themselves twice as fast.

I've always hated history as a subject. In school, it was nothing but an extremely boring storytelling of the past, taught to us by another extremely boring person with exams mainly consisting to recalling dates and facts. I my opinion nobody learned anything! ANYTHING! Which is of course the main reason why history repeats itself. (And I always detested the fact that I was made to "learn" something that was repeating itself anyway). And before repeat gets too repetitive, I'll stop all the repetitive repetition.

Well despite the barrage of dates and sundry facts about events and people, I guess I did manage to learn a few things. Like divide and rule.

Raj Thackeray however either hasn't read it, or had a phenomenally boring history teacher and slept through the lesson.

What he's been trying to do over the past few days is a disgusting attempt at power, via divide and rule. And I keep reading with increasing disgust the Machiavellian politics going on.

Of course there is still a real problem in here. It is a real fact that there have been too many migrants to Mumbai not only from Bihar but from Bangladesh as well. When the number of migrants increases to beyond the point that the city can sustain, it weighs down the infrastructure. And then it's easy to blame all those migrants as the source of all inadequacies in Mumbai.Countries can try control migrants with visas. (of course when certain North American ones can't, they call it "illegal" immigration.... but that's another story). But Mumbai shouldn't and it can't. Thankfully.

The real source of the problem is that Bihar itself hasn't had the development it needs. If it had that, if it could sustain the population on itself, I'm sure no Bihari would relish the propect of leaving hometown. As long as there is a huge gap in that development, people will always migrate.

But it doesn't look like the development can happen anytime soon. So unfortunately for the Biharis they'll have to migrate somewhere, and unfortunately for Mumbai , Maharashtra and India, xenophobes like Raj Thackrey will thrive.

All that's gonna be left in the end is a broken country, with nothing left to govern (someone can call the Brits again then). And all Raj is gonna be left with to divide and rule is a big zero.


Unknown said...

he's just gaining mileage politically like poss his uncle did earlier on...but apart from the fact that Bihar has issues to deal with ( and it's not just Bihar, its even places like Bengal)...I also think there is truth in the fact that the difference in development makes people react differently to everything. I mean, there's is a genuine issue in the lack of civic sense, increase in crime (...and other things) that exist cos of underdevelopment and a non-progressive mindset - which in itself is a major socio-demographic phenomena cos of the divide...

Kunal said...

He's "just" gaining political mileage? Are you also becoming indifferent to politics of hate?

Of course there are those problems with lack of civic sense etc etc. Mumbai (and Pune) treat women differently than do some other places in India. When that starts going for a toss, nobody likes it. These are probably the biggest reasons no real Mumbaikar is speaking against this nonsense.

The manner in which this problem is being dealt with is what gets me really angry.

Unknown said...

yes, I think it's just political...cos Indian politicians are all about creating issues, attacking emotions...it is the politics of appeasement, if you as me...and they bug me to no extent...i do not think I am indifferent yet...

Of late I've been amazed at the response of all Indians (here and abroad) at the US elections...it makes me wonder if India will ever have such an "inspiring" election, or people who I'd really really want to vote for...the spirit seems to have diluted somewhere...