Friday, June 30, 2006


To Whomsoever It May Concern

This is an official declaration to state that I fail to understand women anymore. I cannot understand what they want, what they need, what they do not want and how to deal with them.

I fail to understand my sister, my mom and all other girls I know.

I would have liked to say I didn't care, but I do.

I'd like to say I can do something about it, but I can't. (For a variety of reasons)

Since I have declared that much, I might as well go on to say this to all women who care to read the following:

If what I say or do hurts you, I didn't mean it.

If it helped you, that is always my intention.

Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted!
(more than you'd imagine - again for a variety of reasons).

Yours Faithfully,

Kunal Sadanand Yadwadkar


Unknown said...

heheh ! why this all of a sudden! Whtever happened!!..I dont quite understand though whts tough to understand abt women...though you obv hv a diff opinion :D

Kunal said...

Upasana: Well I don't know why all of a sudden. I guess it's an accumulation of all the frustration over the years of my inability to understand the logic of their thinking, precipitated by a certain event a few days back. Luckily and obviously you do understand their logic :). But my experiences have led to my own conclusions!!! heh heh heh

Anonymous said...

"my inability to understand the logic of their thinking"

You can't understand something that doesn't exist!

Kunal said...

Shaunak: Maybe. I don't know. I've stopped wanting to know :). And no, it wasn't a hinted inference to anything you've said :). I've come to these conclusions independently and hence the declaration ;)

Darth Chatri said...

From my experience, if you think you understand a woman, you don't.
So atleast you are on the right track :)

Unknown said...

@shaunak now thts being mean! :X