This is an official declaration to state that I fail to understand women anymore. I cannot understand what they want, what they need, what they do not want and how to deal with them.
I fail to understand my sister, my mom and all other girls I know.
I would have liked to say I didn't care, but I do.
I'd like to say I can do something about it, but I can't. (For a variety of reasons)
Since I have declared that much, I might as well go on to say this to all women who care to read the following:
If what I say or do hurts you, I didn't mean it.
If it helped you, that is always my intention.
Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted!
(more than you'd imagine - again for a variety of reasons).
Yours Faithfully,
Kunal Sadanand Yadwadkar
heheh ! why this all of a sudden! Whtever happened!!..I dont quite understand though whts tough to understand abt women...though you obv hv a diff opinion :D
Upasana: Well I don't know why all of a sudden. I guess it's an accumulation of all the frustration over the years of my inability to understand the logic of their thinking, precipitated by a certain event a few days back. Luckily and obviously you do understand their logic :). But my experiences have led to my own conclusions!!! heh heh heh
"my inability to understand the logic of their thinking"
You can't understand something that doesn't exist!
Shaunak: Maybe. I don't know. I've stopped wanting to know :). And no, it wasn't a hinted inference to anything you've said :). I've come to these conclusions independently and hence the declaration ;)
From my experience, if you think you understand a woman, you don't.
So atleast you are on the right track :)
@shaunak now thts being mean! :X
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